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                      Philippines is known as the Pearl of the Orient Seas of Asia. It has an abundant natural resources and of diverse cultural and historical backgrounds. Since Philippines is an archipelago, we have a different cultural behaviors that will describe differences and similarities among Filipinos. but although we may have different beliefs we still have share the same behavior that makes us known in the world. These good behaviors are considered as "magnets" for foreigners to come in our country and some were able to settle. and that these behaviors could be a good models for other people in other countries. 

Here are some of the Characters, Personality and behavior of Filipinos:

  •  Filipinos have been described as friendly, outgoing, sensitive, easily offended, nosy, garrulous, direct, hospitable, feisty, irreverent, good natured, clever, witty, gregarious, happy, generous, easy to laugh, gracious, easy to befriend, casual, fun loving, sensitive and hospitable. Personal and family honor are stressed, as well as dignity and pride. Education is highly valued and families make great sacrifices to educate their children. Hiya (shame) is instilled in Filipinos at an early age. To be shamed is the greatest form of disgrace. Filipino culture developed over centuries in tandem with and in response to Western culture introduced by the Spanish and later Americans.
  •  Filipinos are generally more easy going than other Asians. A survey conducted by the Hong Kong-based Political and Economic Risk Constituency (PERC) ranked Filipinos as "the easiest people in Asia to get along with." In the 2006 Happy Planet Index (HPI) by a British think-tank New Economics Forum (NEF), the Philippines ranked 17th out of 178 countries, far ahead of the United States, which ranked 150. According to NEF, this report is “an index of human well-being and environmental impact”, which moves beyond crude ratings of nations according to national income, measured by gross domestic product to produce a more accurate picture of the progress of nations based on the amount of the Earth’s resources they use, and the length and happiness of people’s lives.” In the report, a list has been provided about the ranking of the countries. The NEF study measured life satisfaction, life expectancy and environmental footprint, which is the amount of land required to sustain the population and absorb its energy consumption.
  •  Filipinos have a strong sense of family and community They are very gregarious and like to talk and hang out with family and friends. They love to fool around, gossip, make jokes and tease one another. Rumors spread quickly. Some say Filipinos are happy-go-lucky people who are often pessimistic about today but always optimistic that tomorrow will be better.
  •  People living in urban areas are more exposed to cosmopolitan values. They tend to be less traditional and more modern. Those living in rural areas, on the other hand, still value tradition Even though life appears to be a struggle, many people are happy with their lives.

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There are also behaviors that define how Filipinos be different from others. 

Positive Traits of Filipinos that could be Anchored to other Humans:

  • When a person visits a friend's house, the host greets him or her with a very warm welcome. The host will immediately let their visitor sit down and will prepare a meal or a snack plus drinks for the visitor. The host will insist that the friend not leave the house with an empty stomach. A host will always make sure you had a great time visiting them.
  • People offer their guest room to visitors if they're going to spend the night.
  • Meals offered to guests are very special. A host always finds a way to prepare great tasting food that her visitor wants to eat.
  • Children respect elders by saying "po" and "opo," which mean "yes," when answering their elders.
  • Children or young adults also show respect by putting their elders' hands on their foreheads.
  • Filipinos also show respect at work by making a bow to their employers.

Strong Family Ties and Religions

  • Families go to church and pray together because their religion is important and creates a strong bond, marking God as the center of their lives.
  • Families make sure to have quality time together especially after a day's work. Just watching television or eating a family meal will be valued and prioritized in everybody's schedules.
Generosity and Helpfulness
  • During special occasions such as birthdays or "fiestas" —parties when people from other places visit your home to celebrate with you—there are lots of foods specially prepared for everyone! Friends, family, friends of friends, and even strangers can gather and they are always willing to share food and help out.
  • When a neighbor is in trouble, Filipinos are always ready to help them.
Strong Work Ethic
  • One example of a hardworking person is a farmer. They earn so little but they still work very hard for not much compensation.
  • Filipinos always find creative ways to earn a living, like creating a small business from their home where they sell foods or other items for the convenience of their neighbors.
Love and Caring
  • Men are so sweet and romantic when it comes to love. They will send their beloved flowers, bring her to a very romantic place, text her sweet quotes, and tell often how special she is to them.
  • Filipino women are also romantic and very caring, which often makes foreigners want to marry them. Women tend to prepare dinner before their husband comes home. They are loving, and value the relationship, always staying faithful to their husbands. They love deeply and sincerely.

 This is one of the most popular qualities of Filipinos. Foreigners who have gone to the Philippines find themselves falling in love with the warm hospitality they are shown. It's a different kind of value system, which has existed for thousands of years. Here are some examples of the hospitality that Filipinos show, not only to foreigners, but also to their fellow citizens:
This is often observed—not just by younger people—but also by people of all ages.Yes. Filipinos value their families so much that they tend to keep families intact through the generations.
Filipinos are generous people. Even when we have very little, we always share with those around us.Yes, we are hardworking people to the point that we are willing to work almost the whole day just to feed our families. That's how Filipinos are.
Filipinos are the sweetest and most loving people in the world. I'm not just saying this because I'm a Filipino; if you know us well, you will soon figure this out. this behaviors when can anchored to emphasize among other nations since we as individual though we have different races and cultures we can be one as one world that could create unity and camaraderie to achieve peace in the whole world where color and face do not matter and still we work us one building a world with harmony and joy.
For more ideas about behaviors of Filipinos. please click the following video links below that will lead you to understanding how it is about the behavior or characters of Filipinos and why we should appreciate it.


